Archiv 2009


15.12.2009 Výstupy z konferenčního hovoru 10.12. a podklady na jednání WG 14.12.

At our claims conference call today the following actions to brief member states officials in view of next week meeting on claims were agreed: více

15.12.2009 Program a dokumenty na jednání EK a členských států 14.12.2009

As a follow up and confirmation of our e-mail of yesterday, please find attached the agenda and documents sent to member states in view of the claims experts working group taking place next week. These will be discussed as part of our conference call this morning. více

8.12.2009 Zpráva z jednání "EFSA stakeholders platform" 1. - 2.12.2009

We are happy to report on the outcome of the EFSA Stakeholder Platform meeting on 1/2 December in Parma, to which we were invited, in particular the discussions regarding addressed Article 13 claims, nanotechnology and further involvement in the Stakeholder Platform work for EHPM. This platform consists of the representative EU organisations of all sorts of stakeholders, from industry, consumers, environmentalists, animal rights defenders, etc. It is chaired by Andreas Varlamos, a Greek member of the EU consumer association BEUC. více

9.11.2009 Připomínky členů EHPM k první várce posudků EFSA na tvrzení podle čl. 13

As you recall, members had provided initial comments/ analysis , using a common format, on the first batch of EFSA opinions to help prepare our letter to the EC of October 15. více

9.11.2009 Dopadová studie k tvrzením podle čl. 13 mezi členy EHPM

As part of the actions agreed for our campaign, you will find attached a new impact assessment questionnaire to fill in by November 20. více

13.10.2009 Připomínky EHPM k první várce posudků EFSA k tvrzením podle čl.13

As agreed during our conference call last week, please find attached our draft letter of comments for the EC and member states regarding the outcome of the first EFSA opinions on article 13.1 claims. We thank members for their input and analysis of the EFSA opinions. více

13.10.2009 Konferenční hovoru 9.10. k první části posudků EFSA na tvrzení podle čl.13

Please find attached the summary of the outcome of today's conference call with members on comments on EFSA opinions on art 13.1 claims.  více

6.10.2009 Plán analýzy první části posudků tvrzení podle čl. 13 publikovaných 1.10.

Following our conference call of yesterday, we have agreed to proceed with the analysis of the EFSA opinions by Thursday 8 October. více

18.9.2009 Doplnění seznamu nutričních tvrzení - návrh EK

Following our e-mail of yesterday, please find attached the proposals from the EC regarding the 5 nutrition claims on fatty acids, for consideration by member states and vote in the Standing Committee of October 1. více

10.9.2009 Připomínky EHPM k tvrzením navrženým EFSA k vyškrtnutí

In view of the next working group of members states on claims that is expected to notably address the article 13 claims proposed for withdrawal by EFSA, please find attached the final list of comments that will be issued jointly by ERNA and EHPM to DG SANCO by the end of this week. We thank members for their input on these comments. více


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  • Archiv 2009